Astrological Forecast - June Solstice - Sept. Equinox 2024
March Equinox 2024 Astrological Forecast
Flurry of Cyber Attacks, As Predicted - Jan. 14th - 27th
Quarterly Astrological Forecast - December Solstice '23 - March Equinox '24
Navamsa Calculation Graph
Mercury Retrograde - August 24th - September 15th
Venus Retrograde in Leo - July 23rd - September 3rd
Astrology of Sherlock Holmes - Mercury as a Man
Quarterly Astrological Forecast - June 21 - Sept. 21 2023
Quarterly Astrological Forecast - Equinox March 20th 2023
The Iron Age
The Bronze Age
The Silver Age
The Golden Age
The Cycle of Ages
What is 'Vedic'? Pt. 6: Gods and Goddesses
What is ‘Vedic’? Pt. 5: The Srimad-Bhagavatam
What is 'Vedic'? Pt. 4 - The Vedas
What is Vedic? Pt. 3: Cyclical Time
What is Vedic? Pt. 2: Why Have I Never Heard of It?
What is Vedic? Introduction