The original text was written by one of the most prolific Islamic scholars on astrology - Abū Ma'shar. He lived in Baghdad during the 9th century and his discourses incorporated and expanded upon the studies of earlier scholars of Islamic, Persian, Greek, and Mesopotamian origin. The text concerns the nature of a year (or month or day), as determined by the horoscope, and was intended as a practical manual for the instruction and training of astrologers.
This book is the first edition of Abū Ma'shar's Kitāb taḥāwīl sinī al-'ālam (also known as the Kitāb al- nukat) as rendered into Latin by the 12th century translator Johannes Hispalensis (John of Seville).
The printing is by Erhard Ratdolt, a famous early printer from Augsburg, Germany who, with two compatriots, established a printing partnership in Venice in 1475.